Running Man Instant Messenger Network


...Setup on macOS

  1. Download a macOS compatible AIM version
  2. Unzip/Unarchive the ZIP file
  3. Start the contained application. It should already be configured to connect to the servers.
  4. If you haven't already, register for an account, verify it, and then enter you account details on the login screen.
  5. You're done!

...Set up Windows XP and AIM 3.5

  1. Download and install VirtualBox
  2. Download the Windows XP + AIM 3.5 image and unzip it
  3. Open the Windows XP Runningman Network AIM3.5 folder and double click the Windows XP Runningman Network AIM3.5.vbox file. This should add it to VirtualBox's list of machines.
  4. Click on the machine in the VirtualBox sidebar then press the "Start" button. A window should pop up and Windows XP will start. You are ready to connect to the Runningman Network.

...Connect to the Runningman Network

  1. Start AIM
  2. If you are not logged in yet, click Setup; otherwise select "My AIM" > "Edit Options" > "Edit Preferences..." > "Connection". Leave the Port as-is at 5190.
  3. Click "Apply" and "OK"
  4. Fill in your Screen Name and Password and click "Sign On"

...Add a Buddy

  1. Select the Buddy List tab in your friends list
  2. Right click a folder and select "add buddy"
  3. Type in the buddy's name
  4. Press Enter and your buddy will appear in the list